Troubleshooting for HAPPE
Confirm that your version of HAPPE is the most recently updated version (fixes for code-based issues may have already been addressed). If your version is not the most recent version, re-download HAPPE from the GitHub.
If this is not your first time downloading HAPPE, remove previous versions of HAPPE from your computer.
If you have multiple versions/folders of EEGLAB on your computer, remove the instances that are not contained in your HAPPE folder.
If you have multiple versions of CleanLine on your computer, remove the instances that are not contained in your HAPPE folder.
Confirm that you have completed all the start-up tasks as listed in the User Guide:
Ensure that you have all the required MATLAB toolboxes installed.
Adjust your Java Heap settings, if necessary.
Ensure that HAPPE and the relevant subfolders are added to your MATLAB path.
Configure your EEGLAB preferences if different from the settings listed in the User Guide.
Confirm that the error is with HAPPE itself, not your data:
Load a file into EEGLAB using the EEGLAB GUI. If this fails, there may be an issue with your data file. If there is no option to load your file, your file type may not be currently supported by HAPPE.
Check that the information listed matches what you expect from your data (e.g., epochs, events, sampling rate, channel locations, etc.)
Use Plot>Channel Data (scroll) to visually inspect your data and ensure that channels and/or events are showing up properly.
Confirm that your input parameters match your data:
Ensure that the channel names you entered are what actually exists in the file.
If your file doesn’t include channel locations, ensure that you are not running options that require channel locations.
Make sure you’re not running task-steps on resting data and vice-versa. HAPPE cannot locate onset tags that don’t exist.
Common Errors:
Wavelet Thresholding Failed: The most common reason for this is that the wavelet MATLAB toolbox is not installed. Please install the toolbox using the steps outlined in the User Guide.
Too many input arguments (line 590 in HAPPE v3): Try using the most up-to-date version of HAPPE (v4).
Pre-Processing Script
Check Criteria - Participant Inclusion Script
Confirm that your version of HAPPE is the most recently updated version (fixes for code-based issues may have already been addressed). If your version is not the most recent version, re-download HAPPE from the GitHub.
If this is not your first time downloading HAPPE, remove previous versions of HAPPE from your computer.
Confirm that your version of HAPPE is the most recently updated version (fixes for code-based issues may have already been addressed). If your version is not the most recent version, re-download HAPPE from the GitHub.
If this is not your first time downloading HAPPE, remove previous versions of HAPPE from your computer.
Generate - ERPs Script
Generate - Functional Connectivity dwPLI Script
Confirm that your version of HAPPE is the most recently updated version (fixes for code-based issues may have already been addressed). If your version is not the most recent version, re-download HAPPE from the GitHub.
If this is not your first time downloading HAPPE, remove previous versions of HAPPE from your computer.
Confirm that your version of HAPPE is the most recently updated version (fixes for code-based issues may have already been addressed). If your version is not the most recent version, re-download HAPPE from the GitHub.
If this is not your first time downloading HAPPE, remove previous versions of HAPPE from your computer.
Generate - Nonlinear Measures Script
Confirm that your version of HAPPE is the most recently updated version (fixes for code-based issues may have already been addressed). If your version is not the most recent version, re-download HAPPE from the GitHub.
If this is not your first time downloading HAPPE, remove previous versions of HAPPE from your computer.
Confirm Python installation:
Make sure Python is installed on your computer.
Ensure your version of Python is compatible with your version of MATLAB:
Confirm that your Python executable is loaded correctly by MATLAB.
Ensure that you have all necessary modules installed. Refer to the HAPPE User Guide for a list.
Generate - Power Script
Still Getting Errors?
Contact us using the Issues function on the GitHub or via email at
Please include the following information so we can best help you:
Whether you are running on a Mac, PC, Linux, etc.
MATLAB version
HAPPE version
(download date helpful but not necessary; approximate is fine)Your input parameters file
Both quality assessment outputs, if generated (Pipeline QC and Data QC)
HAPPE’s output Error Log
If you are willing and able to share a sample file with us, we can try to replicate the error on our end. However, we understand that sharing files is not always feasible.
We are happy to meet via video conference to troubleshoot as necessary!