PINE Lab Welcomes Three Graduate Students: Meet Emma, Katie, and Kelsie!
Congratulations to our Postdoc Sarah McCormick on receiving Northeastern University’s Future Faculty Fellowship award!
PINE Lab Joins Nationwide Study Investigating Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on Children
PINE Lab Research Assistants Present at ISDP 2021!
PINE Lab Research Assistants Alexa Monachino and Kelsie Lopez present their research at the annual International Society for Developmental Psychobiology conference, held in Chicago, Illinois, from November 10-12, 2021.
PINE Lab is Awarded a Grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
We’re excited to share that we’ve been awarded a 2-year grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to study how early brain imaging measures can predict different child development outcomes and academic readiness in global contexts of adversity. As a team award, we have assembled a group of scientists across the country to work with us, combine expertise, and build novel predictive models of risk and resilience using multiple datasets across three different countries (the USA, Romania, and Bangladesh). Stay tuned for project updates over the coming months!
PINE Lab Will Participate in the Northeastern 2021 Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge! Join us!
We’re excited to celebrate Black History Month by participating in this challenge during February! If you’d like to join us in building racial equity awareness and/or educating yourself about topics in racial equity, you can see options at:! Thanks Dr. Moore for all of your incredible work in this space!