HAPPILEE (pronounced ‘happily’) is a standardized, automated pipeline optimized for electroencephalography (EEG) recordings with low-density channel layouts of any size (32 channels or less). It processes raw data through a series of steps including filtering, line noise reduction, bad channel detection, artifact rejection from continuous data, segmentation, and bad segment rejection that have all been optimized for low-density data.

HAPPILEE is suitable for:

  • EEG channels with ~32 channels or fewer

  • Task-free/Resting-state EEG data

  • Task-related EEG data

  • Event-related potential (ERP) EEG data (in conjunction with HAPPE+ER)

Read more about HAPPILEE in more detail in (Lopez et al, 2022).

To suggest additional functionality contact us at northeastern.pinelab@gmail.com! If experiencing any issues, refer to our Troubleshooting page.