TEAM: Targeting Early Adversity with Music

TEAM is a collaborative project with Dr. Psyche Loui (we’re a TEAM team!) exploring the role of music in brain and behavior development, especially with respect to affective and reward-related sensitive periods over childhood and adolescence. We’re particularly interested in music as a promotional, positive experience and as a source for resilience in individuals growing up in adverse contexts. We believe music is a powerful tool to understand development and real life behavior! Broadly, we’re asking how do children and adolescents use music in their daily lives (as a rewarding stimulus, to explore emotional states, to regulate themselves, etc)? How does the brain encode music stimuli from different periods of development and support these uses for music in daily life? How do individuals in contexts of adversity access music as a potential source of resilience? Our TEAM project includes studies for children, adolescents, and adults with behavioral tasks, MRI measures, and music from Bach to Britney Spears.