New PI Resources


Grant Writing Resources

Cottrell Scholars Collaborative

Teach Better, Save Time, and Have More Fun: A Guide to Teaching and Mentoring in Science (free e-book)

via Penny Beuning, Dave Besson, and Scott Snyder

Making the Right Moves (free e-book on Starting a Lab)

via Howard Hughes Medical Institute


How to Build a Motivated Research Group

Via Uri Alon


CV Across the Tenure-track and Tenured Position

via Brian Nosek


Lab Manager Manual

Via Nicole Cuneo


83 Career Skills Development: From Learning to Mastery

Via Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

Books to buy as a New Faculty Member

via Allison Master


 Exercises for Lab Groups to Prevent Research Mistakes

via Julia Strand


How to Serve on a Grant Review Panel

Via Dan Cosley


PI skills crash course

via Columbia University (held regularly for fee, open to all)

Sample Undergraduate Volunteer Form

via PINE Lab


Database of Funded Grant Materials



How to write a lab handbook

via Samuel Mehr


Mentoring Best Practices Syllabus

Dr. Yael Niv and Dr. Laura C Murray  (free course held regularly and highly recommended)

3rd year review sample materials (YOU GOT THIS!)

*note exact formatting and content requested is usually university specific, but I find examples generally helpful so here are mine

**note I am providing these for public use but make no claim about quality of statements or work they describe

Laurel Gabard-Durnam

Research-related Materials

Research Statement


Laurel Gabard-Durnam

Teaching-related Materials

Teaching Statement

Teaching Evaluation Summary Table

Laurel Gabard-Durnam

Service-related Materials

Service Statement

Nicholas Wagner

Research and Teaching Materials

Integrated Statement

Tiffany Ho

Research and Service Materials

Integrated Statement


Resources for all Academic Stages


Job Market Resources